Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes

We all have moments when we find ourselves worrying about something. This is a book about a little mouse named Wemberly, who finds herself worrying all the time, especially as the first day of school approaches. Even though her mom and dad tell her not to worry, she finds it very hard to quit. However on the first day of school, her teacher Mrs. Peachum, helps her overcome some of her worries by introducing her to another quiet mouse who shared some of the same emotions. By the end of the day, Wemberly had forgotten her worries and felt much more confident about starting a new school year. This is a perfect book to read on the first day of school to the primary grades, as many of our students are dealing with the jitters. This story can help them make connections with their own feelings and lets them know that it is normal to worry and feel nervous before starting something new.